Some of my writings

New file here 2024-06-12
Train or Plane 2024-04-21
Tracking Time 2024-03-22
First real chat with an AI 2024-03-10
One More Cup of Coffee 2024-02-23
Exploring the LOAR API 2020-05-27
How I Gather Data 2020-05-07
Twisting Again 2020-03-15
A Stack of Books 2016-03-29
Naive analysis of books 2016-03-15
Java Shots 2014-09-05
Never Miss Another xkcd 2014-05-08
Min fortælling om internettets historie 2014-03-12
Julebesøg af Åge 2013 2013-12-09
City With Seagulls 2013-10-05
ddate 2013-05-26
Danish Movie Premieres 2013-04-15
Hiding Stuff in Other Stuff 2013-04-15
Quick and Dirty Mac OS X global capturing of notes to org-mode 2012-01-21
Thøger Larsens Pan 1987-04-30
Vikingerne i Rusland - En historieopgave 1987-01-18
Rumfartens historie 1983-04-20