Alas, not all book are arriving at the best time. So, I sometimes chose to put a book back on the shelf for another time...

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1) (eBook) by George R.R. Martin
819 pages,
read — not yet,

Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents (eBook) by David L. Poole and Alan K. Mackworth
900 pages,
read — not yet,

Beyond Infinity: An expedition to the outer limits of the mathematical universe (paperback) by Eugenia Cheng
295 pages,
read — not yet,

Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (paperback) by Haruki Murakami
333 pages,
read — not yet,

Counterproductive - Time Management in the Knowledge Economy (paperback) by Melissa Gregg
216 pages,
read — not yet,

Deep Learning with R (paperback) by Francois Chollet
325 pages,
read — not yet,

Ed Mastery: The Standard Unix Text Editor (IT Mastery Book 13) (eBook) by Michael W. Lucas
104 pages,
read — not yet,

Feel Free: Essays (paperback) by Zadie Smith
464 pages,
read — not yet,

Krisehæfterne: Pandora Blue Box. Atlantis-syndromet (paperback) by Ursula Andkjær Olsen
IntegerPart[468.] pages,
read — not yet,

Query: Getting Information from Data with the Wolfram Language (eBook) by Seth J. Chandler
368 pages,
read — not yet,

The Peripheral (eBook) by William Gibson
490 pages,
read — not yet,

The Prime Number Conspiracy: The Biggest Ideas in Math from Quanta (paperback) by Thomas Lin
336 pages,
read — not yet,

What Computers Still Can't Do (paperback) by Hubert L Dreyfus
408 pages,
read — not yet,